Sat-Digest- Regular Updates - Pagina 18 Sirius-xm-orbital-animations
Sat-Digest- Regular Updates - Pagina 18 Sirius-xm-orbital-animations

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 Sat-Digest- Regular Updates

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Messaggi : 31856
Data d'iscrizione : 19.01.17

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MessaggioTitolo: Re: Sat-Digest- Regular Updates   Sat-Digest- Regular Updates - Pagina 18 EmptyVen Giu 28, 2024 5:49 am

Updates 27-VI-2024 PM

36E, Eutelsat 36B / 36C (Express-AMU1)
Tests 904 and 905 appeared on 12207. According to Flysat, it is a Ren HD and STS HD... I've been tested... Confirmed... But the names of the channels were not registered. 904 Ren ..(@Ruhi).
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Messaggi : 31856
Data d'iscrizione : 19.01.17

Sat-Digest- Regular Updates - Pagina 18 Empty
MessaggioTitolo: Re: Sat-Digest- Regular Updates   Sat-Digest- Regular Updates - Pagina 18 EmptyMar Lug 02, 2024 5:57 am

Updates 01-VII-2024 PM

75, ABS 2/2A
RU.TV in the SD version SD left with 11531 V 22000, 3/4,MPEG-4, DVB-S2/8PSK
RU.TV in the version HD continues its work in open form on 11605 V 43200, 7/8 DVB-S/QPSK MPEG-4. (@yury56)
90'E, Yamal 401
Gazprom_SS package left 12712 V 13446,FEC 3/4, DVB-S2/QPSK/MPEG-4 and no longer prescribed
STS interntional
Peretz interntional
the STS Kids interntional
The Domashnij Telekanal intern.(@yury56)
55' E, Yamal 402
channels STS International , Peretz International , STS Kids International , Domashnij Telekanal International , REN TV International , 5 Kanal lnternational left with 11345 V 30000 , FEC 3/4 , DVB-S2/8PSK, MPEG-4 , and no longer prescribed.(@yury56)
80E, Express 80
Congress TV, 1HD Music registered on 12591 N 30000, FEC 2/3, DVB-S2/QPSK/MPEG-4. Irdeto/Conax
Test-760, Test-761 left with 12591 N. (@lola3)
56'E, Express AT1
Sapphire appeared on 11958 L 27500 3/4 DVB-S2/8PSK MPEG-4 DRE-Crypt. (@yury56)
36E, Eutelsat 36B / 36C (Express-AMU1)
The Eycon of the World of HD has left 11823 R
TV channel "O-la-la" left with 12437 R. (@sector33)

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Messaggi : 31856
Data d'iscrizione : 19.01.17

Sat-Digest- Regular Updates - Pagina 18 Empty
MessaggioTitolo: Re: Sat-Digest- Regular Updates   Sat-Digest- Regular Updates - Pagina 18 EmptyMer Lug 03, 2024 5:52 am

Updates 02-VII-2024 PM

56'E, Express AT1
And the Kineko Canal. Channel AIVA 11766L27500 3x4 left the packages of the operator TricolorTV.
36E, Eutelsat 36B / 36C (Express-AMU1)
Tv channel "Shop&Show" left with 11785 R. (@sector33)

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Messaggi : 31856
Data d'iscrizione : 19.01.17

Sat-Digest- Regular Updates - Pagina 18 Empty
MessaggioTitolo: Re: Sat-Digest- Regular Updates   Sat-Digest- Regular Updates - Pagina 18 EmptySab Lug 06, 2024 5:50 am

Updates 06-VII-2024 AM

75, ABS 2/2A
Mir Basketbola, Onorio, Suspense, Romanse, Cartoon Classics, Plan B left with 12653 V 35007, 2/3,VB-S2PSK.(@yury56)
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Messaggi : 31856
Data d'iscrizione : 19.01.17

Sat-Digest- Regular Updates - Pagina 18 Empty
MessaggioTitolo: Re: Sat-Digest- Regular Updates   Sat-Digest- Regular Updates - Pagina 18 EmptyVen Lug 12, 2024 6:09 am

Updates 11-VII-2024 PM

Temporary open channels on satellites
Hot Bidrd: on 11334 H, DVB S2 Eurosport 1 International HD, Eurosport 1 International HD, Eurosport 2 International HD, Eurosport Greek HD, Eurosport 1 Serbian HD, Eurosport 2 Serbian HD temporarily broadcast FTA.(@yorick)
80E, Express 80
Orion Express:
Auto24, History and Country Fm is encoded by Irdeto/Conax on 11044 V 45000 4/5 DVB-S2/QPSK.
36E, Eutelsat 36B / 36C (Express-AMU1)
BABES TV appeared on 12437 R 27500 3/4 DVB-S2, encoded (Viaccess).(@Bakili)

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Messaggi : 31856
Data d'iscrizione : 19.01.17

Sat-Digest- Regular Updates - Pagina 18 Empty
MessaggioTitolo: Re: Sat-Digest- Regular Updates   Sat-Digest- Regular Updates - Pagina 18 EmptyMer Lug 17, 2024 5:46 am

Updates 16-VII-2024 PM

36E, Eutelsat 36B / 36C (Express-AMU1)
12456 L, DRE - instead of NTV HD goes My Planet HD, by the evening returned everything to the place.
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Messaggi : 31856
Data d'iscrizione : 19.01.17

Sat-Digest- Regular Updates - Pagina 18 Empty
MessaggioTitolo: Re: Sat-Digest- Regular Updates   Sat-Digest- Regular Updates - Pagina 18 EmptyMar Lug 23, 2024 5:32 am

Updates 22-VII-2024 PM

36E, Eutelsat 36B / 36C (Express-AMU1)
On the transponders of Tricolor 11804L, 11881L, 12034L, there were 7 new channels, 4 of which in Full HD quality. In present time without logos: The horrors of HD, Anime HD, Trailers HD, Fighters HD. The other three are Dinosaurs, the Efferbiesty Bears, Corgi Moko - like the SD, I can't check. My subscription class (Unified Ultra) does not open children's. The rest of the channels are full, although Asian content is present in the grid. There is an EPG and a subtitle track, but at a particular time, movies go without subtitles.

By the way, what happened to Inpuls HD, where did it go? (@D_I)
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Messaggi : 31856
Data d'iscrizione : 19.01.17

Sat-Digest- Regular Updates - Pagina 18 Empty
MessaggioTitolo: Re: Sat-Digest- Regular Updates   Sat-Digest- Regular Updates - Pagina 18 EmptyMer Lug 24, 2024 5:42 am

Updates 23-VII-2024 PM

56'E, Express AT1
Tricolor Siberia
Comedies appeared on 11727 L 27500 3/4 DVB-S2/8PSK
HD militants appeared on 11766 L 27500 3/4 DVB-S2/8PSK
Melodramas appeared on 11804 L 27500 3/4 DVB-S2/8PSK
Corri Moko appeared on 11919 L 27500 3/4 DVB-S2/8PSK
The Hurrhom HD appeared on 12111 L 27500 3/4 DVB-S2/8PSK
Anime HD appeared on 12149 L 27500 3/4 DVB-S2/8PSK
Dinosaurs, Buns appeared on 12380 L 27500 3/4 DVB-S2/8PSK.
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Messaggi : 31856
Data d'iscrizione : 19.01.17

Sat-Digest- Regular Updates - Pagina 18 Empty
MessaggioTitolo: Re: Sat-Digest- Regular Updates   Sat-Digest- Regular Updates - Pagina 18 EmptyVen Lug 26, 2024 5:57 am

Updates 25-VII-2024 PM

56'E, Express AT1
Tricolor Siberia
Tv channel House Kino(+4) appeared on 11766 L 27500 3/4 DVB-S2/8PSK, DRE-Crypt.(@yury56)

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Messaggi : 31856
Data d'iscrizione : 19.01.17

Sat-Digest- Regular Updates - Pagina 18 Empty
MessaggioTitolo: Re: Sat-Digest- Regular Updates   Sat-Digest- Regular Updates - Pagina 18 EmptySab Lug 27, 2024 6:11 am

Updates 27-VII-2024 AM

80E, Express 80
Our House (Penza) - left with 11606 N 45000 4/5 DVB-S2/QPSK.(@yury56)
56'E, Express AT1
Tricolor Siberia.
TV channel "House of Cinema Premium HD" left the satellite. It continues to work online.(@kurser)

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Messaggi : 31856
Data d'iscrizione : 19.01.17

Sat-Digest- Regular Updates - Pagina 18 Empty
MessaggioTitolo: Re: Sat-Digest- Regular Updates   Sat-Digest- Regular Updates - Pagina 18 EmptyMer Lug 31, 2024 5:57 am

Updates 30-VII-2024 PM

75, ABS 2/2A
Phoenix+cinema, Anecdote, Weapon went with 11605 v 43200 7/8 , DVB-S/QPSK.(@yury56)
90'E, Yamal 401
the Kuzbass Cable No Broadcasting for several days , 11495 N 4067 3/4 DVB-S2/8PSK
On Kuzbass 1 HD picture is.(@yury56)
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Messaggi : 31856
Data d'iscrizione : 19.01.17

Sat-Digest- Regular Updates - Pagina 18 Empty
MessaggioTitolo: Re: Sat-Digest- Regular Updates   Sat-Digest- Regular Updates - Pagina 18 EmptyVen Ago 02, 2024 5:44 am

Updates 01-VIII-2024 PM

80E, Express 80
shopping store Shopping Live instead of Test 216 appeared on 10981 V 44950 2/3, DVB-S/QPSK, open. (@yury56)
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Messaggi : 31856
Data d'iscrizione : 19.01.17

Sat-Digest- Regular Updates - Pagina 18 Empty
MessaggioTitolo: Re: Sat-Digest- Regular Updates   Sat-Digest- Regular Updates - Pagina 18 EmptySab Ago 03, 2024 4:32 am

Updates 02-VIII-2024 PM

13'E, Eutelsat Hot Bird 13B/13C/13E
Fashion UHD left with 12380.(@Ruhi)
11137 H 27500, 3/4 - DVB-S registered Eurasia Worldwide (1 Eurasia) and TBN Russia.(@lvv_68)
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Messaggi : 31856
Data d'iscrizione : 19.01.17

Sat-Digest- Regular Updates - Pagina 18 Empty
MessaggioTitolo: Re: Sat-Digest- Regular Updates   Sat-Digest- Regular Updates - Pagina 18 EmptyGio Ago 08, 2024 5:54 am

Updates 07-VIII-2024 AM

16'E, Eutelsat 16A
Packages of Polish radio stations appeared open on the following parameters:
ZPR Media: 12,682 H, SR: 7425, FEC: 2/3; DVB-S2/8PSK
Grupa Agora: 12,730 H, SR: 1700, FEC: 2/3; DVB-S2/8PSK
Grupa RMF: 12,735 H SR: 3780, FEC: 4/5; DVB-S2/QPSK
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Messaggi : 31856
Data d'iscrizione : 19.01.17

Sat-Digest- Regular Updates - Pagina 18 Empty
MessaggioTitolo: Re: Sat-Digest- Regular Updates   Sat-Digest- Regular Updates - Pagina 18 EmptyDom Ago 11, 2024 5:43 am

Updates 10-VIII-2024 PM

46'E, AzerSpace 1
AN.T left with 11135.(@Ruhi)
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Messaggi : 31856
Data d'iscrizione : 19.01.17

Sat-Digest- Regular Updates - Pagina 18 Empty
MessaggioTitolo: Re: Sat-Digest- Regular Updates   Sat-Digest- Regular Updates - Pagina 18 EmptyGio Ago 15, 2024 5:35 am

Updates 14-VIII-2024 PM

36E, Eutelsat 36B / 36C (Express-AMU1)
11212 is off... Georgian canals available at 11345.(@Ruhi)
13'E, Eutelsat Hot Bird 13B/13C/13E
Eleven 4 moved from 11278 to 11488 to the rest of Eleven.(@Ruhi)
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Messaggi : 31856
Data d'iscrizione : 19.01.17

Sat-Digest- Regular Updates - Pagina 18 Empty
MessaggioTitolo: Re: Sat-Digest- Regular Updates   Sat-Digest- Regular Updates - Pagina 18 EmptySab Ago 17, 2024 6:05 am

Updates 16-VIII-2024 PM

90'E, Yamal 401
Kuzbass 1 cable started broadcasting on 11495 N 4067, 3/4, DVB-S2/8PSK, MPEG-4, (16:9), open
CinemaMult appeared open on 11385 N 30000, FEC 3/4,DVB-S2/8PSK, MPEG-4/ (16:9) open
55' E, Yamal 402
KinoMult appeared on 11385 H 30000 , FEC 3/4 , DVB-S/8PSK , MPEG-4 , open.(@yury56).

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Messaggi : 31856
Data d'iscrizione : 19.01.17

Sat-Digest- Regular Updates - Pagina 18 Empty
MessaggioTitolo: Re: Sat-Digest- Regular Updates   Sat-Digest- Regular Updates - Pagina 18 EmptyGio Ago 22, 2024 6:05 am

Updates 21-VIII-2024 PM

80E, Express 80
Test-732 instead of Slavic Mir appeared on 11107 H 45000 Fec-4/5, DVB-S2/QPSK.(@Djoni)
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Messaggi : 31856
Data d'iscrizione : 19.01.17

Sat-Digest- Regular Updates - Pagina 18 Empty
MessaggioTitolo: Re: Sat-Digest- Regular Updates   Sat-Digest- Regular Updates - Pagina 18 EmptyMar Ago 27, 2024 5:43 am

Updates 26-VIII-2024 PM

56'E, Express AT1
Tricolor Siberia
the Супергероини"Superheroini" channel appeared on 11919 N 27500 3/4 DVB-S2/8PSK,DRE-Crypt/DRE-Guard
the Обучалки"Tarkdoka" channel appeared on 12380 N 27500 Fec-3/4, DVB-S2/8PSK,DRE-Crypt/DRE-Guard
Soviet HD Classics appeared on 12380 L 27500 Fec-3/4, DVB-S2/8PSK,DRE-Crypt/DRE-Guard
Historic HD appeared on 12188 L 27500 Fec-3/4, DVB-S2/8PSK is still open.(@yury56)
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Messaggi : 31856
Data d'iscrizione : 19.01.17

Sat-Digest- Regular Updates - Pagina 18 Empty
MessaggioTitolo: Re: Sat-Digest- Regular Updates   Sat-Digest- Regular Updates - Pagina 18 EmptySab Ago 31, 2024 5:55 am

Updates 30-VIII-2024 PM

80E, Express 80
Radio Chanson(+0h) returned to 10981 V 44948 2/3, DVB-S/QPSK, Open.(@yury56)
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Messaggi : 31856
Data d'iscrizione : 19.01.17

Sat-Digest- Regular Updates - Pagina 18 Empty
MessaggioTitolo: Re: Sat-Digest- Regular Updates   Sat-Digest- Regular Updates - Pagina 18 EmptyDom Set 01, 2024 6:39 am

Updates 31-VIII-2024 PM

55' E, Yamal 402
"RUSSIA 24" at 12506 V 1000 ,FEC 7/8 ,DVB-S/QPSK/MPEG-4 goes open , the code icon is not.(@yury56)
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Messaggi : 31856
Data d'iscrizione : 19.01.17

Sat-Digest- Regular Updates - Pagina 18 Empty
MessaggioTitolo: Re: Sat-Digest- Regular Updates   Sat-Digest- Regular Updates - Pagina 18 EmptyMar Set 03, 2024 5:59 am

Updates 02-IX-2024 PM

80E, Express 80
Classic Music left with 11044 V 45000 4/5 DVB-S2/QPSK.(@yury56)
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Messaggi : 31856
Data d'iscrizione : 19.01.17

Sat-Digest- Regular Updates - Pagina 18 Empty
MessaggioTitolo: Re: Sat-Digest- Regular Updates   Sat-Digest- Regular Updates - Pagina 18 EmptySab Set 07, 2024 6:14 am

Updates 06-IX-2024 PM

ABS-2A - 74.7E
On the channels removed the encoding at frequencies 11531 V 22000, 3/4, DVB S2/8 PSK/MPEG4/ and 11559 V 22000 3/4, DVB S2/8PSK/MPEG4/

11531 V 22000, 3/4
Draiv, Mins
Evrokino, Mins
Usadba, Mins
Unikum, United
Russkiy Illusion
the Ohota i Rybalka
Voprosy i Otvety
Retro TV
Zdorovoe TV
Domashnie Zhivotnye
Russkiy Illusion International
The Zhivi!

11559 V 22000 3/4
Bober, Mins
the Dom Kino Premium
Telekanal Futbol
Dom Kino
Muzika Pervogo
Telekanal O!
Pobeda, Mins
Telecaf .
Vremya, Mins
Lapki Live

All TV channels are open.(@yury56)
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Messaggi : 31856
Data d'iscrizione : 19.01.17

Sat-Digest- Regular Updates - Pagina 18 Empty
MessaggioTitolo: Re: Sat-Digest- Regular Updates   Sat-Digest- Regular Updates - Pagina 18 EmptyMar Set 10, 2024 6:01 am

Updates 09-IX-2024 PM

Temporary open channels on satellites
ABS-2A - 74.7 E
11531 V 22000, 3/4 Zhivi!
11559 V 22000 3/4 Bober, Dom Kino Premium,Telekanal Futbol,Dom Kino,Muzika Pervogo,Telekanal O!,Pobeda,Potekhali!,Telecaf,Vremya,Lapki Live.(@Samsungsbor)
55' E, Yamal 402
" RUSSIA 24 " left with 12506 V 1000 ,FEC 7/8
"MOSCOW 24" open at 12506 V 1000 ,FEC 7/8 ,DVB-S/QPSK/MPEG-4.(@yury56)
75, ABS 2/2A
on 11531 V 22000 , 3/4 ,DVB S2/ 8 PSK/MPEG4 channel Zhivi! is encoded by Irdeto
on 11559 V 22000 3/4, DVB S2/8 PSK/MPEG4/ channels Bober, Dom Kino Premium HD,Telekanal Futbol,Dom Kino,Muzika Pervogo,Telekanal O!,Pobeda,Poekhali!,Telecaf,Vremya,Lapki Live encoded by Irdeto.(@yury56)

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Messaggi : 31856
Data d'iscrizione : 19.01.17

Sat-Digest- Regular Updates - Pagina 18 Empty
MessaggioTitolo: Re: Sat-Digest- Regular Updates   Sat-Digest- Regular Updates - Pagina 18 EmptyMer Set 11, 2024 5:48 am

Updates 11-IX-2024 AM

55 E, Yamal 402
" RUSSIA 24 " returned to 12506 V 1000 ,FEC 7/8 ,DVB-S/QPSK/MPEG-4, open
"MOSCOW 24" left with 12506 V 1000 ..(@yury56)
Temporary open channels on satellites
ABS-2A , 74.7" EAST
package channels Strim --/DRYEV , EUROKINE,DAZDIMENS,UNIQUYUM,Ilyuson + ,Hunting and Fishing,Questions and Answers ,Retro TV ,Healthy TV,Home Animals,Psychology ,Zoo Poultry ,Auto24 ,Russian Illus and , , , / temporarily open.(@yury56)

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